My Run Story

How it all started…

So at the time that I wrote this (circa August 2013), I just had done something a little crazy…I signed up for my first half marathon. It was a spontaneous decision that seemed like a great idea at the time!

Then I realized, oh crap I need to start training for this if I want to finish without stealing a piggy back ride from a complete stranger, or becoming road kill from the actual good racers.

Let me clarify a few things about myself. I consider myself a fit and active person- but this whole running for miles and miles is completely foreign to me – I’ve always been the wham, bam thank you m’am type as far as running…aka less than an hour.

So what sparked this change in my running mentality? When I moved to CO from NY I needed to make new friends, bad. Everyone in CO is so into the outdoor active lifestyle, so I figure the best way to meet non-creepy people was to join those sunshine lovin’, mountain climbing natives in one of their favorite pastimes- running. I joined the Team Luna Chix Denver Run, a non-professional women’s running team sponsored by Luna Bar. These ladies are absolutely AMAZING and after a few months of running with them, they inspired (or should I say coerced) me into signing up for the Denver Rock’n’Roll Half Marathon.

So here I am, sharing my training experience as well as other fun fit ideas, delicious foods, gear and race reviews and of course I’ll tell you about my adventures adjusting to my new home in CO.


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