Tag Archives: Trail Running

rain boot worthy long runs & pumpkin pie

here’s my weekend in short bursts of words and pictures of everything I ate.

Saturday: morning run with my Luna Chix. 4m at pace. It was very humid. I got gross. We all went for coffee after, sat outside in our grossness, and had an in-depth analysis of each other’s accents (very few of us are “Colorado natives”). kidding, we just spent an hour laughing at each other. we probably looked insane. love my ladies.

My first attempt at GF and dairy free pumpkin pie…I figured if I start experimenting now, I’ll have it perfected by Thanksgiving.

GF Dairy Free Pumpkin Pie

Jonah and I spent the evening discussing foreign politics and the meaning of life – in other words we watched “The Emperor’s New Groove” and ate half the pie.

Sunday: long run Sunday FUNday, RUNday! 9 miles on the menu. I dragged Jonah out of bed bright (well it was actually dark still) and early to run with me. Why would I torture him on a Sunday morning this way? Because he’s my favorite running buddy – he keeps me on pace, motivates me and we always have an enjoyable conversation while running…all in all he’s just a pleasant person to run with. He makes me enjoy running more.

I have to admit, I felt a little guilty dragging him along on this run because it dumped rain on us, but I really like running with my boy and the promise of stopping for brunch at Toast after was enough to convince him to come. I would have taken pictures because it was a new trail for us, but the rain made that a hazard for my phone’s life. Seriously, we probably should have been running in our rain boats.

Changing into dry clothes and eating this made it all better though:

Chai infused and apple topped GF french toast

Chai infused and apple topped GF french toast

This is what we came home to Sunday after brunch…have a little hail.

hail on our porchMonday: stretch and strength on the menu. I waited until after work to do it, which was a bad plan because I’m always kinda hungry and tired after work. Instead of eating the other half of the pie before my warm up run, I tried some of these (they were in a swag bag for a race a while ago):

sport beansThey did the trick. I’m trying out some new mid-run fuels as well…Sunday I had a GU espresso love gel. The flavor was pretty good and it definitely helped me pick it up for the end of my run, but the gel textures kinda gross me out.

Have you make a GF and dairy free pie before? recipe/ tips?

What’s your go-to fuel for running? Candy corn and jelly beans? Gels? Waffles? Please share! I’d love some input and ideas to try :)

Who’s your favorite running buddy and why?

CO Endurance Series 10K

YAY! I did it! First 10K done, completed, AND I didn’t die. And what was even crazier was that I LIKED it.

Race conditions were not ideal to say the least, it was HOT and no shade – SPF was my BFF. Plus this is my first 10K and it was a trail race – which was a bit rocky (ha ha). Overall, I had fun and I’m definitely glad I did. Can’t wait to for my next race –  thinking about signing up for a 10K road race to see the difference before my 13.1

CO Endurance Series Denver 10K at Cherry Creek Reservoir

first10K Spending Sunday morning the ruNERD way

my Team Luna Chix friend also raced

My friend from my running group, Team Luna Chix, also raced today. She’s super speedy…also note the matching watches. We’re super cool like that.

finished and NOT dead

Finished and NOT dead.

because I'm nostaglic

…because I’m all nostalgic about my first 10K

excuse me for not posting more, I have a date with the couch and some chocolate milk.

Tell me about your weekend race!