Tag Archives: therapy

Pile on the Miles

13.1 miles. Am I crazy? I grew up a mid distance runner, no high mileage weeks for this girl.

What’s even crazier is the fact that I’m liking the mileage. Running longer distances gives me a satisfaction that shorter runs and work outs never gave me. I have time to focus on myself and my run.

That being said, running longer distances has not only made me crazy, but also made me a selfish runner. I feel the need to run everyday to get that time to myself, and I want to run further every time. I feel that the further I run, the better I understand myself; as person and a runner.  Running is something so completely about me and personal to me – I need that. It’s my daily therapy.

oh…and I run so I can eat this all the time:

TCBY chocolate silk fro-yo

So bring it on 13.1 – pile on those miles.