Tag Archives: Soleus muscle

Gear Review – LOVE MY ZENSAH

I have really bad calves. Constantly tight, sore and all in knots. The kind of bad that I literally will beg my fiance to rub my calves every night. A few years ago I tore my soleus (that’s the inner calf muscle) and that calf has never been the same. Short story; my calves suck, I’ve just lived with pain and my fiance probably has constantly raw thumbs.

BUT I think I’ve found my calf savior – Zensah compression leg sleeves. I’ve worn them only once so far – a 7.5 miler last night – but I feel like I need to run to the top of Pike Peak and shout out to the world how ABSOLUTELY AMAZING these things are! I’m sold, hooked – I’m a total believer in the Zensah magic.

I felt like I could push myself a little harder than I normally would, and I didn’t feel tight or like I was going to hurt myself. Point is, it was amazing…I felt like I was running before my injury.

PLUS, they’re super fashionable (semi-serious…they looked cute with my runner skirt, but not sure they’re office appropriate) and come in a rainbow of colors to match (or mismatch) all your running clothes.

I’m going to need to make a budget for my newest addiction – I wonder if Zensah has a calf sleeve of the month club? hmmm…